A downloadable game for Windows


Just small game and I couldn't make it in time again


Players must try to avoid being caught. Especially the police or employees in the company

The main goal of the player is to steal the dolls stolen by a mysterious organization with difficult obstacles and steal them back in the chaos that will occur.

Short story:

On a peaceful day at home Who lives a happy life with dolls and is a person who really likes dolls. One day, someone broke into the house and stole all the things. Including the doll that was the love of his life, also disappeared.

After some time, he found clues from the footprints. It seems like luck was on my side. and followed those footsteps and found a very suspicious place

Thank for playing


Stealth Toy.rar 19 MB

Install instructions

1. Download zip or rar file

2. Unzip

3. Play files names end in .exe.

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